Wednesday, July 31, 2019

European EN and International ISO standards Essay

The abbreviations â€Å"EN† refers to European Norm while â€Å"ISO† refer to International Standards Organization. Endoscopy literally means â€Å"looking inside† and it is usually refers to look inside the body usually in relation to medical reasons using an instrument called an endoscope. It is used to examine the interior parts of a hollow organ or cavity of the body, and they are inserted directly into the organ. The endoscopes, especially flexible endoscopes are usually complex but can be reused but require very unique conditions for reuse in respect to their decontamination. It is not only their outer surfaces that are exposed, but also their air channels, water channels and even their accessories that enable them to function in the right manner. Their exposure to body fluids and other contaminants means that their reuse has to be very carefully looked into so as to avoid spread of diseases. It is also important to realize that most endoscopes are heat labile and cannot be autoclaved meaning they change under different heat conditions. European (EN) and International (ISO) standards that would be applicable to an endoscope decontamination unit (EDU) in the UK As abstracted from EN ISO 15883, information from the manufacturers should be given prior to purchasing the endoscope. This implies that the manufacturer provides information such the best disinfectants to use with that particular endoscope and what is expected when cleaning, for example the bacteria expected to be found there and also if the disinfectant in question is compatible with the automatic reprocessor in which it is being used. (Gurusamy Manivannan, 2008) As per BS EN ISO 15883-1, a temperature recorder having no fewer than ten sensors should be used, and the specifications are well indicated in the ISO standard. This is because the endoscopes are heat labile, and temperature may affect the chemical compositions of the accessories or other chemicals involved. The manufacturer should also establish the worst conditions under of the devices configuration. Such conditions encompass temperature, detergent concentration and surrogate device configuration. This also includes water flow pressure for use during testing. This may also be categorized in a similar manner as biocompatibility testing where limits such as residual limits are stipulated as per ISO 10993. (Denise Sheard, 20120 The calibrations should be checked in accordance with ISO 10012-1 for uniformity purposes. These are usually dictated by manufacturers using a validated method of applying a sensible reference. Each instrument should also be labeled with a unique reference number. This is important when measuring passage of fluids or drugs so as to get accurate and true results. The standard prEN ISO 15883-1-2004 has a clause that indicates that the manufacture shall all addition information associated with the use and decontamination of the particular endoscope. Information such as maximum flow and pressure of fluids within each channel in the device and the maximum possible permissible restriction of flow within each channel is deemed important and must be provided. (James Walker, 2014) There is also a standard similar to both that the manufacturers may be requested to give information concerning the device at any stage, and act as consultants. This is stipulated in prEN ISO 15883-1-2004. This is important when complications arise that personnel involved were not expecting References Gurusamy Manivannan, Disinfection and decontamination: principles, applications and related issues. Boca Raton : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2008 Denise Sheard , A practical guide to decontamination in healthcare . Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. James Walker, Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare. Oxford: Woodhead Publishing, 2014 Source document

Ethical Dilemmas – Abortion

In our society, there are many ethical dilemmas that we are faced with that are virtually impossible to solve. One of the most difficult and controversial issues that we are faced with is abortion. There are many strong arguments both for and against the right to have an abortion which are so complicated that it becomes impossible to resolve. The complexity of this issue lies in the different aspects of the argument. The essence of a person, rights, and who is entitled to these rights, are a few of the many aspects which are very difficult to define. There are also issues of what circumstances would justify abortion. Because the issue of abortion is virtually impossible to solve, all one can hope to do is understand the different aspects of the argument so that if he or she is faced with that issue in their own lives, they would be able to make educated and thoughtful decisions in dealing with it. The definition of a person is an aspect of the abortion issue which raises some very difficult questions. Is an unborn baby a person When does the unborn baby become a person This is a difficult question because in order for one to answer it, he must define the essence of a person. When describing the essence of something, one needs to escribe the necessary and sufficient conditions of that thing. So how does one define the essence of a person Kant describes a person as a rational being. Some people define the essence of a person from more of a biological standpoint. Nevertheless, defining the essence of a person is a very difficult thing for a group of people to agree on. One own definition of a person would most likely greatly impact his opinion on whether abortion is morally justified or not. This becomes even more complicated when one takes into account potentiality. This raises the question of whether the fetus is an actual person r a potential person. Many would argue that a fetus is a potential person because it is has the potential to become what it is not yet. However, does a potential person have potential rights An example was used: does a potential doctor have the rights of a licensed doctor When one is describing potentiality, All he is really describing is what that thing is not. By declaring that a fetus is a potential person, one is also stating that a fetus is not a person. As one can see, this issue of the essence of a person and whether a fetus is a person is a very complicated one. This becomes seven more omplicated if one takes into account the issue of rights. Now, the concept of human rights, that is to say, what American society dictates as human rights, conflicts heavily with itself. On one hand, we form a deep and heavy opinion on one s right to life. On the other, we hold an equally strong opinion on one s freedom to live that life as they please. American society by and large has a firm belief in an individuals right to live. Therefore, if one comes to the conclusion that a fetus actually is a person, then that fetus should receive the protection to it s right to live, as much as you or I. This society also olds the firm belief in one s right to the sovereignty of his or her own body, equal to that of one s right to live. In this case, it is imperative that we understand what liberties we can and cannot take upon ourselves concerning our lives. Case in point, suicide. Society dictates what we are allowed to do, and how we are allowed to live, by law. Most of American laws are written to preserve one s rights to individuality, and one s right to take the liberty to live their lives as they see fit. However, laws are also written to undermine those who s actions compromise the liberties and freedoms of ther individuals, thus protecting the concepts and ideals of agency and liberty. Based on our society s laws, essentially, we believe that what you do to yourself is your choice, and is accepted by law, so long as it doesn stop or impede the lives and freedoms of others. The difficulty in this dilemma lies within the question of whether an abortion falls into a category of protection of a woman s right s over the sovereignty of her own body, or whether it falls into a different category of an action which is not permissible because, according to some people, the fetus is a person whose life and freedom is being ompromised. The question of rights is further complicated by the different circumstances where the abortion issue could be raised. Many people would argue that abortion should not be used as birth control or as a means to deal with the consequences of promiscuous sex. However, how does one address the abortion issue in the circumstance of rape or incest Many say that in these circumstances, abortion is justified. The confusing thing is that the outcome is the same in both circumstances. The fetus is being denied its right to live and grow to its potential as a human being. Where does one draw the line What about case where there is medical complications For example: a woman becomes pregnant and goes to the doctor for an examination. During the doctor visit, various tests are run and it is discovered that the baby will be born severely deformed and that its quality of life would be extremely substandard. If the woman were to have an abortion, would it be justified What about a situation where a woman becomes pregnant and she does to the doctor and is told that the baby is deformed and the birth would most likely kill the mother. The argument justifying abortion in this case goes back to the right to physical sovereignty ver one s own body. A person has the freedom to do what he or she wants to concerning their own body as long as it does not harm or compromise the freedom of another, except in self defense. Therefore, in the case of the mother who would most likely die in childbirth, an abortion could be justified because she is acting in self defense. And in the case of rape, many argue that an abortion is also justified because the woman s right to not conceive has been violated, therefore she should not be responsible for the consequences which came through no fault of her own. As on can see, the issue of abortion is on e that is xtremely complicated. The problem being that many of the ethical dilemmas involved in the abortion issue are so closely intertwined that they are difficult to distinguish from one another. There are some aspects of the issue that would convince most people that abortion is justified, however when those aspects are combined with other intertwining aspects and imperatives, justification oftentimes becomes impossible. In conclusion, the issue of abortion is so complicated and controversial that it is unlikely that a consensus could be reached by American society. There are too many aspects of he issue which peoples views vary to widely. Some of these issues could be things such as the definition of a person, is the fetus a person, and if so when does it officially become a person. There is also the issue of rights. Do the rights of a person outweigh the rights of a non person. Does the right of a mother s sovereignty over her body outweigh the right of an unborn child to live. The answers to these questions are very diverse as a result of the diversity of the American society. With the issue of abortion, one s attitude toward it is going to be based on many things such as religious background and ersonal morals. There is no black and white answer to the abortion issue. Luckily we live in a country where we are able to decide for ourselves whether something is morally right or wrong. Thus, ultimately, the choice is ours. As with the many other ethical issues which we are faced with in our society, it is hard to come to a concrete answer until we are personally faced with that issue. All we can do is make an effort to know all of the aspects which are involved so that we may be able to make a sound decision if we were faced with this problem in our own lives.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Value of Diversity and Multiculturalism in Business

Shequita Rayford English 101 February 10, 2013 The Poverty Class The Poverty Class is a big class in the United States; As the free encyclopedia stated, Poverty is a state of privation or lack of the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. The number of families in the poverty class has increase or decrease over the years. The races of population percentage of people in poverty is different from one and another. There are a lot of reasons or saturations why a family is in the class of poverty.Some families come from other classes, like the wealthy class or the middle, then down grade to the poverty class for various reasons. Poverty affect different stages in people lives, there are also different factors of poverty. When you are in the poverty class, you can be look down upon from the other classes for different reasons. There are different ideas to help fix the poverty we have in the United States. In the next exceeding paragraphs, I will explaining th e reasons for each statements because I for the poverty class in my own words and views.The number of the poverty class has increase or decrease, but when I research for the number of population in poverty throughout the years. I see that the numbers has mostly increase throughout the years. In 2000 there was 39. 8 million people in poverty, but that number increased throughout the years. Until now in 2012 the percentage of families in impoverished is 16%, and almost 20% are children. The poverty guidelines are determined by the Census Bureau. The Census Bureau contains the amount of money a family will make in a year.By counting each person and the cost of living for that person, additionally adding each person to calculate a number. Then the census determine if the family would be counted in the poverty class or not. The races of people in a population in poverty is different from one and other. Race and gender plays an enormous part in poverty. Minorities pay a big role by 27 per cent, so does Latinos and American Indians, versus 10 present of whites. Below is the percentages of races in the poverty class; Poverty and race/ethnicity 9. 9% of all non-Hispanic white persons 2. 1% of all Asian persons 26. 6% of all Hispanic persons (of any race) 27. 4% of all black persons. There are a lot of reasons or situations why a family is in the class of poverty. One reason can be that a person was born in a family that is poor, I was born in a family that was in the middle class. My family had a house, and my dad own his own construction company. We live in a nice neighborhood in the city of Chicago. But at the same time I remember seeing poverty all around me. You can tell what class a person was by the clothes they worn.You can tell where the area the class live by the surroundings. For example the wealthy live down town in condos or lofts running 3,000 through 7,000 or more a month. Because the cost of living in a city is expense. Another reason can be because the e conomy with low job rates, or the minimum rates of employment was low. Another reason can be because a lot of families have a single parent trying to raise a family from minimum wage or welfare. After my father passed away, my mom was a single parent, she was left well off but then blew the thousands she was left with.So we went from middle class to poor and had to struggle at times. Then I and my mom got on our feet; now I am a mother with two kids. I only want the best for both of my kids, to not be in the population of the poverty class. Some families come from other classes, like the wealthy class or the middle, then down grade to the poverty class for various reasons. Like I said from the paragraph above, my dad past away and me and my mom had to learn how to survive by ourselves. There are a lot of different reasons why one class can go to poverty.One reason can be because of natural causalities, there has been hurricanes, earth quakes, tornadoes, thunder storms, winter storms and other storms. During the last couple year’s people has come upon these storms and lost everything. For an example the storm Katrina kill a lot of people and left a lot of people homeless in the state of poverty. Poverty affect different stages in a person life. If the person works a minimum wage, it’s like living from one pay check to another. I had live from one pay check to another before, paying all my bills and don’t have enough to buy anything for myself.Or don’t have enough to pay all the bills at once. It can affect a person health if their unable to eat a meal during the day. It all can be challenging trying to live when you don’t have enough income to live on. But either way I found a way to challenge difficult situations, thanks to programs to help people in poverty to pay bills, buy food, buy clothing and personal items. There are different factors of poverty. Low- wage jobs is one factor, in our America today, there are a lot of lo w in come jobs. Even if you go to college and get a degree, there is no guarantee that you will get that dream job you want.I know someone with four degrees and still can’t find that dream job that he wanted. Another factor is that there is a lot of single parents in the house holds of families today. A single parent making a low- wage do not equal to success, taking care of your family can be expensed. I know that for a fact, if it wasn’t for the help of my family, I don’t know where I would be with my kids. But life has got much easier since I gotten help from their father now. The Census Bureau stated that 104 million people make twice below the poverty line, less than $38,000 for a family of three.Economic Policy says half the jobs on the nation pays less then %34,000 a year, a quarter pay less than $23,000 annually. When you are in poverty you can be look down upon. No matter if you are a child or an adult, sometimes you have peers to look at you and judge you. I have got those views from a lot of people that believe people on welfare is lazy or just wasting their tax money. Well those people don’t know that person or family situation. Not having welfare, that family would not be able to feed their family without food stamps.People needs to realize that there is a lot of poverty in the world and a lot of people are suffering. Even if that person has a job, the person has to work a 10 thru a 12 hour shift and only making eight dollars an hour for an example. People don’t want to look at the fact that if the government didn’t have these programs that the poverty percentage would be double. There are different ways to fix poverty in America. By continuing to provide welfare for individuals who are struggling paying their bills, buying food for their house hold and buying personal needs for themselves and their kids.Some of the welfare programs that help provide those needs are food stamps and cash assistance. Social Security helps the elderly who can’t work and people with disabilities. Earn income tax credit helps to provide families with extra money at the end of the year, who made under a certain amount money for that year. Our economy needs more decent paying jobs. We all need to help invest in a 21st century education, provide skill development strategy, the rich should pay their fair of taxes to the country, raise minimum wage and provide more health care. I provided my views on poverty and stated true facts.I want my audience to become more educated on the matter and realize how serious the matter can be. Knowing that you can be in one of the other class one day and be in the poverty class the next day. We all should notice how important this situation is although you might say that this is not your situation, nor your problem. But true fully it affects all Americans in some way or form. Works Cited Websites: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Poverty_in_the_United_States http://www. nytimes. com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/why-cant-we-end-poverty-in-america. html? pagewanted=all&_r=0

Monday, July 29, 2019

Changing American Dream Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changing American Dream - Essay Example Material things like cars and rich apartments and luxury associated with American dream. Since the first automobile was invented it has embodied cultural and emotional values that have become an integral part of the American Dream. The Great Depression, resulted the stock market crash, caused widespread hardship during the Twenties and Thirties, and was almost a reverse of the dream for those directly affected. Racial instability did not disappear, and in some parts of the country racial violence was almost commonplace. Consumerism transformed the American Dream. People received a chance to earn more and buy expensive goods. Their buying habits were transformed and became necessities. The world seemed absurd, because war considered morally right. The events of major importance like WWII, Vietnam War, war in Afghanistan, or minor armored conflicts resulted in desire of people to live in peace. The period of the Cold War connected with Truman doctrine, and Cuban Missile Crisis transformed the dream. President Kennedy played an important role preventing the new World War with the Soviet Union. The invention of hydrogen and atomic bombs caused new sufferings for mankind. The first atomic bomb was used during WWII in Hiroshima.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS BEWLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SEE THE INSTRUCTIONS BEWLE - Essay Example According to Plato, by lying to the inferiors, the superiors gain more control over society so they are able to restore law and order in an otherwise lawless society. Plato believes that lying in this case is noble since the inferiors need something to believe in for them to be guided. For Plato, the leaders must have a means to control the masses and such means may be a â€Å"collectively useful† lie. The general idea of a noble lie is that the leaders formulate the â€Å"collectively useful† lie and the let the people believe in it and benefit from it. Yet, the question now is whether or not the benefit that the people get from the lie is greater than the evil that may accompany that lie. According to Kuznicki, a lie will always be a lie and may have both positive and negative consequences. When the lie brings about positive consequences, the lie may be useful but if the light brings nothing but destruction, it becomes something that is unethical. There are many arguments regarding the advantages and disadvantages of having our leaders lie to us. One of the main advantages is that if a lie that carries with it a positive note, the people who believe in the lie will follow the suggestions made by the leaders. For example, as pointed out by Kuznicki, a person who believes in his religion sincerely will stick to that religion even if others will try to tell him that his religion is a fake. Since the person truly believes that his religion is real, he is more likely to follow the teachings of his church. If the teachings of his church are good, then this person will become a good citizen. Fear for punishment and respect for their religion often keep people from doing something that is against the teachings of their church. The concept of heaven and hell in many religious sectors has often deterred people from committing sins. In this case, even if the teaching of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource Management - Essay Example Resource Management are the following: Compensation, hiring, management performance, development of the organization, overall wellness, and benefits; motivation of people, good communication, good administration, and training (Heathfield â€Å"date unknown†). Overhauling Mattel was not an easy task for Eckert, but it was a fruitful endeavor for Mattel’s CEO. Question 1: Identify the key elements of Mattel`s HRM Strategy. Critically evaluate the HRM strategy in relation to relevant theories and models and the current external environment. What potential issues does the company face in balancing the organizational HRM strategy with divisional personalization of it (as discussed on page 9of the case study) The key elements of Mattel’s HRM strategy are workforce development, and the standardizing people development1. Workforce development could mean a lot of things, for there seem to be no single meaning to describe the term. However, workforce development has become a term to illustrate any one of a comparatively broad range of national and international strategies and programs associated with learning for work (Jacobs & Hawley â€Å"date unknown†). Many scholars in this particular field use the term national workforce development to mean the articulation between the private-sector and government programs (McLean 2003). According to Jacob and Hawley (date unknown) â€Å"Emergence of Workforce Development: Definition, Conceptual Boundaries, and Implications† there are five reasons for the coming out of this particular phenomenon in the field of industry. To be precise, these are globalization, technology, new economy, political change, and demographic shifts. These five factors are all connected to each other and have become a great challenge especially for adults (Jacobs & Hawley â€Å"date unknown†). Globalization opened the door for the free flow of market among nations.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites Assignment

Thermoplastic polyester elastomer nanocomposites - Assignment Example It also shows very good resistance to impact, tear, creep, and abrasion. Inorder to improve to improve mechanical, therma and electrical properties of TPEs (Aso 2006, 2854) fillers such as mica, clays, silica, kaolin, and talc are added (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). Mica improves critical properties of TPEs, these properties are cost effective . which are cost effective (Sreekanth 2009, pg. 272). This position has also been supported by LeBaron et al. (1999, pg.12) who argues that composites that show a change in structure and composition over a nanometer length always exhibit property enhancements in comparison to conventioanally scaled composites. Layered silicates which have been distributed as a reinforcing phase on a polymer matrix are an example of such mixture of inorganic/organic nanocomposites (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.12). Some of these enhanced properties are, increased moduli, increased heat resistance and strength, and also decreased flammability (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). For example, in a nylon layered silicate with 2 % with volume of inorgan ic content, doubling of strenghth and tensile modulus is achieved (Giannelis 1997, pg. 675). The reason why nanocomposites exhibit improved characteristics as compared to conventional composites is because the dispersion of clay nano layers increases the number of reinforcing elements available that can deflect cracks (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). Coupling between polymer matrix and the large surface area (760 m2/g) increases stress transfer to the reinforcement phase, which enable toughning and tensile improvement by (LeBaron et al.1999, pg.13). In addition, layered silicates thickness are in the order of 1 nm and they also have high aspect ratios in the magnitude of (10-1000) (Ray et al. 2003, pg. 2355). There are various reasons why there is an increase in the high aspect ratios of the nanocomposites.According to Yano et al. (1993), it is possible that the improved barrier

Thursday, July 25, 2019

My philosophy of education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My philosophy of education - Essay Example During an observation at Battery Park City School, I found an example. In a class of first graders, when a girl was moving a bean bag chair by herself, a boy classmate walked up to her and helped her move it. As soon as Liz, who is their teacher, saw it, she said, â€Å"Oh! Look at him. How gentle he is! You are a gentleman.† In this case, the boy is recognized and feels a sense of pride with what he has done. This helps the boy learn that helping others is a good thing. The teacher’s words are helpful not only for the boy, but also for the rest of students in class. Hearing their teacher praise their classmate for lending a helping hand will help them realize that helping others is a good thing. Through a few words of praise, students could learn what is right and it helps form their personality. In this context, praise is an effective learning method and teaching method. Alice S. Honig discussed the positive solutions to address typical difficulties. One of the positive solutions mentioned was praise. According to Honig, â€Å"Children who are tense may show signs of pressure and frustration, like biting their nails or stuttering. Harsh response will only make children more tense. Instead, find situations in which these children shine, and bolster their self-confidence with Praise. For example, ‘Marques, you did a beautiful job of hanging up your coat!’ †. For Gartrell as cited in Meece and Soderman, appropriate praise is one that is â€Å"sincere, constructive, and encouraging†. Children tend to flourish when adults take notice and recognize a child’s effort and accomplishments. Recognizing positive changes in a child’s behavior and abilities also helps. Pro-social behavior is developed when the positive results of a child’s behavior on another is pointed out. In promoting a positive verbal environment, praise is used as a means to encourage a child’s intrinsic motivation. As the articles

Evaluation Design of grant application assignment

Evaluation Design of grant application - Assignment Example It will be crucial for this evaluation to capture the resources available at the time of commencement. The evaluation will seek to capture the number of people who will have received the content of the awareness campaign and the media through which they received the information. It shall assess how much crime will have been prevented thus far compared with the rate of crime in Philadelphia before the implementation of the project (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). Additionally, the evaluation will measure the number of partnerships that the implementation will have garnered thus far. In regards to the performance objectives, the evaluation will seek to determine the number of Philadelphia community members who will be attending training. The number of training sessions and their frequency will be documented. The evaluation shall seek to document how the activities of the project are filed. Philadelphia community members shall be assessed for how much they will have learnt on the use and maintenance of surveillance cameras. Crime reports will be scrutinized in order to capture how much will have originated from the general population and not from investigations initiated by the Philadelphia Police Department (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). In terms of impact, data will be collected on both the unintended and intended outcomes of the Residential Surveillance Cameras Installation Project. The short-term, mid-term and long-term outcomes will be captured during evaluation. Specifically, Philadelphia residential premise owners will be assessed for change in attitudes and beliefs about crime and crime prevention (Bestsinger et. al., 2004). There will be an evaluation team that will be charged with the collection of crime facts and figures. The team will be composed of five members who will have thorough knowledge of the technical aspects of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 16

Economics - Essay Example The UK economy has undergone through very critical evolutionary steps in the 1980s through the implementation of Gower report and the enactment of the subsequent 1986 financial services act (Ellwood, 2002, 565-594). It is acknowledged that these changes are responsible of many developments that the economy has had throughout the late 20th century and the subsequent years in 21st century. This paper therefore focuses on analyzing the critical role that financial services sector play within the UK economy after the Gower report and the financial services act in the late 20th century and subsequent enactment of FSAct in 1986. The Gower report established a platform through which the UK financial sector can provide insights, financial services as well as advise to investors both locally and at the international front. The financial sector specializes in services such as finance and accountancy, banking, financial planning, insurance as well as pension and investments. Over the years that followed the 1980 Gower report, the United Kingdom has moved from the state of passive sale and display of manufacturing produce to become a leading determiner of what is manufactured as well as consumed. The financial services sector shifted the attention of services provide towards retailing and wholesaling industries within the country. Moreover the enactment of the 1986 financial act has been pointed out to have contributed towards increased regulation and compliance requirements within the sector (Llewellyn, 1999, p. 309-316). The importance of such regulation cannot be overlooked as it has the main aim geared toward s consumer protection. Through the act, the industry has been streamlined towards effectiveness in service delivery through overcoming information asymmetry between the service providers and the customers. The importance in regulation is also based on the reason that many institutions are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Human Resources Management. Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Human Resources Management. Diversity - Essay Example Diversity is not only in terms of caste, religion but also in other demographic factors such as age, education, gender etc. Here our focus and main concern is age and gender diversity and we strive to find out to what extent are they beneficial or a source of conflict among the organizations. Previously women were not a major part of the workforce, but now the trends have been changing, more and more women are entering the workforce. Acceptance of women is becoming the norm and myths such as women value family more than careers is also fast eroding. Similarly, young graduates are also entering the workforce thus sometimes replacing and at others working under the more experienced person, a myth about these younger people is that they lack commitment. In Australia the facts suggest the same; the population trends are changing and studies also show that the population is ageing and it is predicted that by 2051 around 25% of Australia's population will be aged 65 year or older; and also the number of women in the workforce has increased from 40% in 1979 to 53% in 2004.1 For companies to prosper and create a positive cultural climate they need to strike a balance between young and mature and also the male and female counterparts in the organization. To manage gender differences firstly, the acceptability levels of the women in workforce should be enhanced, besides policies in the organizations should be supportive of women and in their favor; some steps that are taken and should be taken by the companies is that women should be provided equal opportunity as men, there should be laws against bullying, unlawful harassment, career leave and parental leaves for women in times of dire need. Career development programs like men should also include women to develop and focus themselves on the path to progression and move up the organizational ladder. When managing the age diversity i.e. attaining a balance between younger and mature employees, one major factor is giving and taking respect. It should be realized that younger generation takes the organization forward, by providing new and latest views of changing trends and brings young ideas that are more creative; but on the other hand older employees also have their experiences that are far more important in running the organization and is important in keeping the strong cultural bond developed over the years in the organization intact. Older employees should not be replaced by younger employees but should be provided with opportunity in terms of flexibility to serve the organization as it fits with their changing lifestyle which is a requirement for their old age. Besides, they should also always be available to mentor and share their experiences with their juniors. Some Australian companies were observed to be working on areas such as embedding diversity into key employment policies and programs to advance equitable outcomes for women. They are striving to achieve a 95% agreement rate from their female survey respondents that their immediate supervisor genuinely supports equal opportunity by random sampling. The companies have already. Achieving similar rates of promotion for men and women at all levels. And

Monday, July 22, 2019

Federal Highway Act Essay Example for Free

Federal Highway Act Essay The accounting part of the airline industry focuses on the financial statements. The financial statements are composed of the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. The customers and the general public are more interested in the passenger ticket prices as well as the cargo shipping rates. The following paragraphs expounds on some of the many issues on the United States Airline Industry. In the article The Future of American Transportation Policy, the Federal Highway Act of 1956 was an important milestone in the history of American airline transportation and travel history.   For, it focused on the finished the interstate highway system. Finally, the completion occurred in the early 1990s which where the general agreement on transportation among the Americans had faded away. Many economists had expressed their concern over the American government’s management the transportation infrastructure. (Dilger, 2003). And, in the article The Law on Securities, was approved into law within the market economy development and the entrepreneurship program as the 1989 era closed. It was again revised in June of 1990. For, many airline companies trade their shares of stocks in Wall Street and other stock markets to any one who wants to own a part of airline companies. This law gives the guidelines on the issuance of treasury bills, commercial notes and bonds. This law gives a wide interpretation on how people can ‘buy’ a share of an airline company. Meaning, any airline company that has a profit character can freely offer its shares to the moneyed public. These shares are generally divided into ordinary (common) shares, preferred (as to dividend payments), cumulative, non –cumulative, bearer and registered shares of stocks. In addition, the airline companies can also enter into a creditor –debtor relationship when it offers bonds and other short term liability securities. However, the stocks offered in the stock markets must be branded as profitable in order to sell like hotcakes. To accomplish this, the airline companies offer to the interested investors free copies of their income statements that show that they have been making (passing) the grade because profits is the bottom line of the company for the past year or years of actual airline operations. And, to further give credence to the airline companies’ balance sheet and income statements, the companies attached an auditor’s reported that the financial statements are fairly presented. On the other hand, an auditor’s report stating that the financial statements are adversely presented means that the financial reported issued by the company are falsely  presented. Also, an auditor’s report that gives a â€Å"no opinion† portion shows that the financial statements have not been audited for one reason or another (Skof Vukmir, 1993). Further, the article The CEO as an Organization Designery states that Professor Germeshausen, a Professor Emeritus in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology opined that many senior officers in the airline companies can comfortably assess ahead of time the effect ad influence of their many policies on the stableness, growth nuances and the monetary behavior of the organizations that they manage and are responsible for. (Keough Doman, 1992) Also, the article A Problem –Finding Approach to Tactical Planning states that questions should be answered by the airline managers for tactical planning in terms of strategic planning environment. Some specific and important questions that could be asks include â€Å"What Corporate planning information is needed by top management and corporate planners to give direction to the company tomorrow? † should be renovated to the better â€Å"What tactical plans are needed by middle –level managers to insure a high level of sales (such as an annual increase in prior sales by a minimum benchmark of fifteen percent). Another good question would be to â€Å"did the company generate profits generated after deducting total costs and expense from the net sales? † One way of answering this question well is for the managers to implement a budget. A budget will state the maximum costs and expenses that the company will pay and the projected net sales and collections of accounts receivables in advance (a month or more ahead of the actual use of the expenses and cots). The budget shows the estimated amounts that will occur in the future such as the budgeted sales, budgeted purchases, budgeted production, budgeted administration expenses, the budgeted marketing and promotion expenses, budgeted balance sheet and other budgets. In addition, the planning strategy using the â€Å"what if this happens? †, and the accompanying â€Å"what must be done to win here? † approach will be a very useful tool to plan for a future action to resolve a future problem in terms of cost, expenses, sales, production and the like. To resolve this, the company must continuously update its information database because lack of information may result to a wrong decision or interpretation of data.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Interview Selection Methods

Interview Selection Methods Introduction Selection is the process of discovering the prerequisite and specifications of the job candidate in additional establish likely suitably for the work position. Selection have seven process to choose best person and qualified them for the job, actually selection needs a methodical come up to the problem of finding the good matched person for the work position. First selection method is interview, In hiring process last steps and the most important process is interview. It offers an idea about the company and actually interview is way to exchange information and approach to tentative conclusions about hiring one another. In interview can describe your experience and your skills and get some information an idea about what is happening with the company. important thing is an employer get some additional information about you that is not provided in your resume or in your cover letter, they looking for what motivates you and how u communicate with others if you are a manager or follower. Interviewee start evaluate the employer after while interviewer evaluates interviewee. interviewee must preparing before interview. This is best way to combat the interview nerves. Interviewee must know who you are meeting with and which format interview will be follow . Interviewers have many choice to choose from dissimilar style and methods of interviewing and they try to find out many information about a candidate , actually they want to find out the reaction of them in to the different situation . if candidate have extra information about company that could be have an effect on the result of the interview . we have many type of interview but important type of interview is Telephone interview Personal interview Behavioral interview Group or panel interview Video conference interview Normally company choose the telephone interview or personal interview and some time using behavioral interview. OneStop Bank Bhd use interview for select person for job position but selection method have different type of that can be useful for the onestop bank company , the important type of selection is Interview Psychometric testing Ability and aptitude tests Personality References In this case another than interview , Psychometric testing and Personality is useful for the onestop bank . also they can use this two kind of selection to qualified them for the work position. 1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interviews Interview have many different type but normally must of the company using three kind of interviewing. First one is telephone interview , employer call to eliminate applicants based on necessary criteria , they call u without an appointment . Second is behavioral interview , they will ask question , interviewee must describe how he/she has handled work related situations , this show to them your behavior , skills and personality. last one is personal interview or face to face interview , they will ask you about yourself and your experience . 1.1. Telephone Interview Telephone interview is very popular interview in the world, most of company using this interview because of low cost and very fast , company use telephone for most screening interview , telephone interview will also used for geographic obstacles ,or some time the candidates lives in another country or city . The fact is telephone interview is the formal method of interviewing , if candidate`s ability to sense delicate non verbal cues that can be challenging telephone interview . the important thing is interviewee must focused to tones of interviewer`s voice , also they must have pen and notepad to write important things or question . the three important advantages for interview is , first usually be contacted faster over the telephone than other method actually if they use computer for net telephone interview ,they can check the result twenty minutes after completing the interview. The second one is time and cost effective ,telephone interview most last about 15 to 20 min and also th e interviewer can test your communication skills and telephone technique. last one is interviewee don't need to dress up femoral or smarten up and also no need to spend time and money to go for interview.(Ben 2008) Telephone interview also have disadvantage , the first is interviewee can't see the reaction of interviewer actually they can't see interviewer to gauge their response . second one is , telephone interview is fast and they ask question very fast and interviewee don't have time to probably think about a question , and most of people are nervure of using telephone for interview , actually they are terrified when they using telephone for interview. (Jury and Kevin 2007) 1.2 Personal interview (face to face ) the most common interview method is personal interview, when interviewer in private office ask question face to face with the interviewee this called personal interview . personal interview is your opportunity to shine and you must show to employer why they must hair you . In this interview your dress up is important and also u must show your communication skills and your appearance is very important in personal interview . personal interview have three important advantage for interviewee and also for interviewer , first advantage is they can see your ability actually interviewer can feel your ability in different situation .(Mark Atrikson 2002) the second one is interview will be longer than phone interview because they can explain skills and ability with action and some people willing to talk longer in personal interview and last one is they can have ability to find the target population and also very expedient for the respondent. (Mark Atrikson 2002) Personal interview also have disadvantage ,first is usually cost more than other methods for them and actually also take time more than phone interview . second one is sometime stage fright for both of them i mean interviewer and also interviewee , because of that sometime change the subject to another subject is very hard for interviewer.(Cono .v,2006 december13) 1.3 Behavioral interview Behavioral interview focus on performance and experiences, actually a person`s specific past performances is very important in this interview. Interviewer ask for past behaviors and actins to draw conclusions about how they would perform in a similar situation in their organization, this kind of interview is very better than traditional interviewing format that just ask candidates concerning hypothetical. this type of interview stat with action or task/situation that will be useful for answering question . in this interview four point is very important they what to rate your experience so they looking for someone who`s creative , optimistic and leader and also a team player . In this interview u must remember your resume and must share your successful work experience with them .advantage of this interview is your accomplishment and past experiences is effect to the result and also in behavioral interview interviewers are trained to use what they can understand about candidates. behav ioral interview the candidate will do the work with more accurate.(Adam 2010) In behavioral interview sometime candidates lie to employer about behavioral and some past experience , they lie just because they know behavioral and past experience will effect to the result.(Adam 2010) 2. Other Selection Methods 2.1. Psychometric Testing Tests are a standard and scientific method used to gauge individuals mental capabilities and behavioral style, psychometric tests made for gauge candidates appropriateness for a role based on the require personality characteristic and ability actually psychometric use to measure of your knowledge , abilities , attitude or personality traits and they used psychometric test in commercial , academic and educational setting for centuries and their famous has go on to increase . In a worker selection setting, psychometric tests give the eventual insight into a applicants potential, providing a significant and highly valid prediction of that applicants skills, knowledge, and also ability and other characteristics of high-quality job performance. the majority psychometric tests are conducted online and sometime tests allow you to keep your answers and come back to complete the test at later stage. psychometric tests are extremely effective analyst of work performance in all position and pro cess and applicants come from all work levels, they are form entry level to chief executives . psychometric tests is one way to gather the information (ability , performance , skills .) from candidates, information and article looking at result of psychometric test and also what they gauge , and how employee can help you in both recruiting staff and developing you career. 2.2 Personality Profiling personality test is way to selection of measure the personality characteristic of candidates that are related to future work performance and an individual`s can affect their appropriateness for some position . personality tests usually measure of five dimension, first is emotional stability and also extraversion , agreeableness , openness to experience and conscientiousness. personality test don't have answer same like right or wrong and person may sifted through identifying particular behaviors that are better suited the work than other person . the important thing is the selection process clear on the characteristic requisite to do well in the work . the advantage is can reveal more information about candidate`s skills, performance and also ability , other point is they can identify interpersonal characteristic that may be needed for certain works. But applicant`s experience may have greater impact on work skills no in to the personality and also have cost for test and interpr etation of results . 2.3 Ability And Aptitude Tests Ability and aptitude test method is for testing your abilities, actually ability and aptitude test may cover a eight areas such as general intelligence , verbal ability , numerical ability , spatial ability , clerical ability , diagrammatical ability , mechanical ability , sensory and motor abilities . this test rating your ability and show your skills and performance is suitable for which position , normally this test may come with action or task . the good point of this test is u can show your specific ability and skills directly to employer . But this kind of test take cost time and money . the important thing in ability test is the applicants must mange time and also control a stress, because must of people a stress pressure them when they do the test . 3. Analysis 3.1.Analysis Of Interview As you know we have many kind of interview but 3 popular interview is telephone interview , personal interview ( face to face), and behavioral interview . telephone interview is popular interview other than personal interview and behavioral interview , now a day's most company in USA and UK and also Canada using the telephone interview because of low cost and time other than telephone interview and behavioral interview (most of big country use telephone interview because maybe applicants stay in different state and traveling cost will be high ) telephone interview compare to personal interview just have two good point cost time and money but personal interview can show the communication skill of interviewer clear than telephone interview because is face to face and actually sometime is better for interviewee to see who ask question and he/she can check reaction of interviewer when he/she answer the question or describe his/her ability and skills . But telephone interviewing have another unique advantage compare to face to face interview as well the possibility of computer driven questionnaire presentation and also don't have obvious disadvantages but comparing to behavioral interview . Behavioral interview is very useful than telephone interview and personal interview if they need the someone have past experience and performance, because of that company use this method when they need specialist. behavioral interview comparing to personal interview , take more time and cost . In the behavioral interview ask for specific same like past behavior or action because is related to your past performance and interviewer will rating your performance . normally company using personal interview if cost and time is very important for them they will use telephone interview and also if they want applicants with experience and past performance they will use behavioral interview . 3.2. Analysis of selection method In this case we have three selection method to analysis , for the first point ability and aptitude test focus in general intelligence and special ability but in personal profiling they force on your experience and your skills and ability test cover a ranges of area more than personality test , but in the personal test the more fuses on personal profile and your resume , your past experience . they use personal test for find special person for suitable of some post . different between personality test and ability test is they used personality test they want to find good person for right position and is related to your characteristic not in your ability , actually ability is important but they aren't focus on ability but in other hand psychometric test is mental measure test and actually psychometric test covers ability test and personal testing and psychometric test is more complete than the others , it cover ability and characteristic but some people believes psychometric test i s not very good because tests are statistically examined . But psychometric test is useful in a commercial , academic and educational. 4. Recommendations My idea as Human Resource Manager of Onestop bank Bhd is they must use personal interview (face to face ) because is more useful to find person with good skills for each job position , the reason is personal interview show us ability and commendation skills of applicants and also it will be useful for know about Appearance of them , actually we can see reaction of them when employer ask question and also responds action . this good because we can give them more time and they can explain about performance and skills of they can provide to us . In the selection method we can use ability test or personal test but I think personal test is better for onestop bank because bank need some employee with good skills , they can chose right person for each position because personal test focusing on characteristic and the bank can hair them for exactly suitable position. the personality test is fast and not higher cost .because of this things I think personality test is very good method onestop bank. 5. Conclusions

The effect of money in elections

The effect of money in elections Historically, we have had a two party system with minor parties. In todays society Americas two party systems affects the elections and decision of voters as an American Political Landscape. Both parties progresses the ability to mark their political public services to individual voters based on computer models they established from historic patterns and large sample- sized polls that push approaches towards the issues and the candidates, called data mining. Theres either a view point with the Democratic Party on the Right of the table, and on the left of the table there is the Republican Party that has a totally different observation about the topic of discussion. These will be the only TWO options you can vote on or either vote for. The Democratic and Republican national parties and most state parties are moderate in their policies and leadership. In recent years both parties have strengthen the role of the national committee and enhanced the inference of individual committee members. Over time, although the citizens have the right to elect and vote, our Democracy party has combined between the direct democracy and representative democracy. Having a direct democracy is allowing the people to vote who should run as nominees in the office. In representative democracy this is allowing the people to elect those who govern to pass laws; also known as the, Republic. The rules to the political voting and elections game have changed and expanded to the citizens, these rules in America affects how it is to be played. Two words, Thriving Media, according to the text also in, Government by the People, (p. 212) is the surrounding function of our elections and voters in todays society. The media, in particular the print media, have been called the fourth estate and the fourth branch of government. Seventy percent of the public think that the media and internet sources are watch dogs, here to inform us about any such moves during an election. Everyone wants a say-so, and to point fingers at who to vote for the best candidate, of the two. Platforms are ambiguous by design, giving voters few obvious reasons to vote against the party. The American two part system has the effect of using both systems against one another, who knows if each nominee will practice what they preach, once being voted into the office. As read above yes we do have a two part system, but it seems like the two maybe combining together and causing our voters and elections to bring across confusion. There are many internet resources we could use (Watch- Dogs) but in what favor are those resources really? The political game is just that a game used to get that, Winner-Takes-All peaking point. The American two part system affects our elections and voter choices by perception. I even feel as if everyone is not getting to express themselves with exactly what they need from our government. Having a two part system does not let the United States explore enough or as many choices as having a muliti- system. Money,- Although the parties cannot exert tight control over candidates, their ability to raise and spend money has had a significant influence. This time in life money plays a major role on anything, so with the elections and votes it has full control over America. Studies have shown on the Google, website, that the Republican Party spends six times as much money on their campaigns than the Democrat party. Thanks to, Citizens vs. F.E.C. getting the law passed that as much money can be given or fundraised to a campaign in any amount. This allows all sorts of sponsors, interest groups, corporate fronts, and lobbyist to step their foot into the campaign world. Defend Democracy, this statement was used to fight the battle that Corporations should be given an equal opportunity as citizens of the United States of America. In other, words opening the door so that all candidates should be able to spend as much money as conceivable to their campaign. As declared in 1976 and 1978, America has money defined as, Soft Money- money raised in unlimited amounts by political parties for party-building purposes. Now largely illegal except for limited contributions to state or local parties for voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts. also according to our text in Government by the People, (p. 197). America also has, Hard- Money- Political contributions given to a party, candidate, or interest group that are limited in amount and fully disclosed. Raising such limited funds is harder than raising unlimited funds, hence the term hard money. All national party committees combined raised more than $509 MILLION of soft money in the 1999- 2000 election cycles, up from 110 MILLION adjusted for inflation in 1991- 1992. Banning soft money became the primary objective of reformers and was one of the more important provisions in the BRCA. Soft money enabled large donors to be major players in campaign finance. In the 2008 election the Obama campaign used advertisements such as the Internet to coordinate, communicate, and recruit volunteers (interest groups). I could say that it does give a freedom of speech, but to whom, the nominee or the voters? Advertisement is used worldwide to persuade the people into buying the product. Political advertisement is very manipulation able. In this situation the product thats trying to be sold is the vote. The United States uses political advertisement as an enhancement to vote for whoever the best candidate seems to favor at that time in the public eye. There may be some proof that the media may influence our culture in America by a great deal. America has the television, the newspapers, Internet, and the radio for advertisement sources. The television gives us an image that print media such as the newspaper cannot. We get to experience and create a picture of what things are going on in the political world. Newspapers are still being read, as I still do read them but not necessarily for politics, I usually do watch the television to keep up with elections for visuals. Another stronger advertisement in politics and in anything today is the Internet. The drastic increase in usage of the web also can give visuals and a lot of information on the candidates up for running. The news media have changed dramatically throughout the course of U.S. history. By calling the publics attention to certain issues, the media help determine what topics will become subjects of public debate and legislation. In a way the advertisement of the elections is to throw out an attention grabber, then lower the audience in to pick them as a nominee. Advertisement is very persuasive in running elections. This subject can also put us back at the money being used for the elections. The more money a campaign has the more information and broadcasting they can attend to get to voters. Cool slogans catch the peoples interests, especially a younger crowd that rarely pays close thoughtfulness to anything in politics. There are a lot of commercials and post boards blinding us about different candidates proposal. No one would ever get to see the competitors argument if they could not raise enough money to broadcast as much. According to different internet anonymous sources all over the internet, theres an impression that corporation helping maintain certain nominees up for the office stand to be pretty scandalous. On that note I leave this paper with the finding of huge information and knowledge I didnt know or had even considered with my own government. Happening in the United States of America, is the American two- party system, money issues, and advertisement usage and the effects on elections and the voter system today.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Rituals in Everyman and Endgame :: Comparison

Comparing Rituals in Everyman and Endgame "Why do you do that?" "Do what?" "Make the symbol of the cross--you must be Catholic--I see them doing that all of the time." I was eager to know what my friend's response would be. "Yeah," she replied, "I am. It's holy, respect for Jesus and Mary. Sometimes we have to do it as penance after confession." Inquisitively I asked, "I don't get it. So you perform this ritual for different reasons? What are you trying to accomplish when you do it, get into Heaven or just avoid going to Hell? Or could it be that it's just to do the same thing Catholics have always done?" Rituals, no matter how major or minor they seem, can be found almost everywhere. Some are of a religious context, and some are not. Some are performed for specific reasons, and some are performed simply to avoid change. The presence of rituals and their importance are very evident in the plays Everyman, written by an anonymous writer, and Endgame, written by Samuel Beckett. Everyman tries to prepare for death and attain his ultimate goal of gaining entrance into heaven by changing his life through the ritualized acts of scourging himself and performing the seven blessed sacraments. In Endgame, Clov ritualistically looks out of the window to make sure that nothing has changed and that death, or anything else that may disrupt the character's repetitive cycle of life, is not on the "horizon." Hamm also resists change and attempts to avoid death by having Clov continually make sure that his chair is in the proper location so that death cannot find him in the wrong place and sneak up on h im. The rituals are very different, and the major contrast between those performed is that Everyman realizes that the coming of death is inevitable and he wants to do whatever necessary to prepare for it, but the characters in Endgame fear death, and rather than prepare for it, try to avoid it by resisting any change to their daily routines. Everyman does not resist death and even prepares for it by performing the religious rituals of the seven blessed sacraments and scourging himself. Through the performance of rituals Everyman is trying to attain the ultimate goal of reaching Heaven. He finds that the only character that will accompany him on his journey is Good Deeds, but she is weak. This represents the idea that he has not done enough good during his life and must now do something to change.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Frankenstein Essay -- English Literature Essays

Frankenstein The novel begins in a frame narrative: Robert Walton, the captain of a ship, recounts his adventures through a series of letters to his sister back in England. Walton encounters Victor Frankenstein in the seas near the North Pole and is told his story, and the major part of the novel consists of Frankenstein's narration of his strange adventures. Victor tells Walton of his early life in Geneva and his close relationships with his cousin, Elizabeth Lavenza, who had come to live with his family when her mother died, and his friend Henry Clerval. Victor eventually goes to the university at Ingolstadt and begins to study natural philosophy and chemistry. During this time, he becomes consumed by the desire to discover the secret of life and finally succeeds. He fashions a creature out of old body parts and animates it one night. However, the creature appears so horrible that he runs away, allowing the creature to escape. Shortly afterwards, Victor is preparing to return to Geneva when he receives a letter from his father telling him that his youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Victor hurries home and, on the way, sees the monster in the woods and becomes convinced that the creature murdered William. He arrives home to find that Justine Moritz, a girl who had lived for some time in the Frankenstein household, has been accused of the murder. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite her assertions of innocence, and Victor becomes despondent a...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Eulogy for Father :: Eulogies Eulogy

Eulogy for Father This is the last of three formal memorials for my father. The first was in the surroundings of his last years, at his country church in Virginia, among his family and neighbors. The second was in the surroundings of his first years, among the boxwoods in Murfreesboro, in the presence of a large number of his buried ancestors and a smaller number of his living descendants. Today we gather to remember the middle years of his life, the years at Harvard which he considered his greatest, and which many now consider Harvard's greatest. You, his students and friends from those years, know he was a man of many talents. He was a scholar; a statesman who could see things clearly to which others were blind; a man of deep religious sensitivity; a man of the soil. He was a fighter, a boxer in his college days, a battery commander in World War I, a man who fought and bred gamecocks all his life, and, above all, a man in the thick of controversy at home and war abroad for more than fifty years of public life. Yet he was also a man who cherished honorable peace and loved to commend to his students the stern but pacific words of Lincoln's Second Inaugural: â€Å"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive achieve a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.† He was a devoted family man, not just for us, his blood family, but also for the larger family of his students, co-workers, and friends. He expected great things of us, as we did of him. He was a genius with words, a writer, a poet, a powerful orator, a master storyteller, a man who in a single encounter could move people to their foundations. This moving power was deeper than words. He retained it to the end, after he had lost his command of words, and the vivid recollections of a long-ago speech or conversation so common among those who have met him are more apt to be of his power and presence than of the words he used. My own most recurrent memory of him is completely nonverbal. It is the look in his eyes years ago in Virginia when he had put me on a bus to the city.

Dunkin’ Donuts Essay

In the competitive world of the coffee industry — and any industry for that matter — it’s crucial for companies to have a clear understanding of what they do best, and where they can be the best. Dunkin’ Donuts has defined its strategic heartbeat as the everyday, easy coffee stop that inspires rituals that revive. In other words, Dunkin’ Donuts provides food and drink that’s fast, fresh, and affordable — for busy people, leading busy lives. These days there is an incredible interest across the country in premium coffee. The average consumer is now demanding what Dunkin’ roducts — served fresher and faster than ever before. Dunkin’ Donuts is well positioned for the future. Taken together, Dunkin’ Donuts’ entrepreneurial business model, its culture, and the strength of its brands and menu offerings promise a strong future of successful growth. Dunkin’ Donuts is well known by generations and loved by a growing number of customers around the world. Dunkin’ Donuts is dedicated to providing delicious food and beverages to its customers and goes to great lengths to ensure only the finest ingredients are used in its recipes — including its espresso beverages. To that end, all Dunkin’ Donuts espresso beans are Fair Trade Certified. Dunkin’ Donuts was the first national brand to sell espresso beverages made exclusively with Fair Trade Certified coffee. Through Fair Trade, farmers and their families are earning a better income for their hard work, allowing them to hold onto their land, keep their children in school, and invest in the quality of their harvest. Using the most stringent standards in the coffee industry, Dunkin’ Donuts selects only the finest, high-quality beans to make its espresso blend. At the same time, Dunkin’ Donuts is working to aid the farmers who grow those beans. Small farmers in lesser-developed countries grow much of the world’s coffee. Without direct access to international markets or the business capacity necessary to compete in the global marketplace, the Fair Trade model allows farmers to receive a fair price for their coffee bean crop. The history of Dunkin’ Donuts circles back more than 55 years when Bill Rosenberg founded the company in 1950 and opened the first store in Quincy, Massachusetts. Back then, Bill had a simple philosophy: â€Å"Make and serve the freshest, most delicious coffee and donuts quickly and courteously in modern, well-merchandised stores. † That philosophy still holds true today and is the foundation that has enabled Dunkin’ Donuts to grow to be the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world. Dunkin’ Donuts offers more than a dozen coffee beverages, donuts, bagels, muffins, breakfast sandwiches, and other baked goods. Currently, Dunkin’ Donuts has more than 7,200 shops in 34 countries worldwide. Dunkin’ Donuts has been serving highquality coffee for more than 55 years. Today, Dunkin’ Donuts is America’s largest retailer of coffee by the cup, serving nearly Donuts has been providing for over 50 years. Dunkin’ Donuts’ standards for coffee excellence are among the highest in the United States, which is no easy feat. Producing coffee takes more steps than producing wine, and Dunkin’ Donuts’ coffee experts travel around the globe to ensure quality at each step. Recently, Dunkin’ Donuts identified a new restaurant category called â€Å"Quick Quality. This represents a promise of fresh food fast and a higher evolution of the standard quick-service experience. Dunkin’ Donuts wanted to make a more meaningful promise to deliver on the value proposition consumers expect, and then some: a promise to offer fresh food, fast, and to offer more choices, served quickly, in a quality way. That means lots of innovative new 30 1 billion cups of brewed coffee each year. Using only 100 percent Arabica coffee beans, Dunkin’ Donuts offers a milder roast coffee that is milled specifically for the company and is recognized by the industry as a superior grade of coffee. In addition to serving â€Å"the best coffee in Americaâ„ ¢,† Dunkin’ Donuts is expanding its menu to include a wider range of snacks and onthe-go, delicious, quality products that will appeal to an increasingly busy consumer market. This platform will feature products that move beyond the breakfast hour in an effort to keep timestrapped people fueled and ready to face the challenges of the day — morning, noon, and night. Most recently, Dunkin’ Donuts introduced Smoothies to its popular beverage and snack menu. Made from yogurt and real fruit, Dunkin’ Donuts Smoothies are available in juicy Wildberry, luscious Mango Passion Fruit, smooth Strawberry Banana, and exotic Tropical Fruit, and are an excellent source of Vitamin C and calcium. To secure and sustain Dunkin’ Donuts’ leadership position as America’s largest retailer of coffee-bythe-cup, the company has begun an aggressive national expansion plan that will ultimately triple Dunkin’ Donuts to 15,000 stores throughout the country by 2020. Initial cities targeted for Dunkin’ Donuts’ national expansion include Atlanta, Nashville, Indianapolis, Dallas, Austin, Phoenix, and Las Vegas. In 2005, Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled a new prototype restaurant. The design, reminiscent of company roots that date over 55 years, is coupled with contemporary features to give Dunkin’ Donuts a new, modernized appearance. The new restaurant prototype features advanced equipment to meet the demands of today’s busy customers seeking fast, fresh, affordable, highquality food and beverage choices quicker and better than ever before, resulting in an improved overall in-store and drive-thru experience. A new, innovative menu that moves Dunkin’ Donuts beyond breakfast complements the store design. The new menu is part of Dunkin’ Brands’ efforts to raise the bar on the quality and variety of foods available at Dunkin’ Donuts and to change expectations about what is possible in a quick-service meal, whether in their restaurant or on the go. Perhaps the most famous of Dunkin’ Donuts advertising came in the form of the character â€Å"Fred the Baker. Throughout the 1980s â€Å"Fred the Baker† was synonymous with Dunkin’ Donuts. The advertising campaign — one of the most beloved ad campaigns in recent history — featured Michael Vale as Fred — Dunkin Donuts’ devoted, sleepy-eyed doughnut maker who woke up each morning with the mantra, â€Å"Time to make the donuts. † Fred became a character that struck a chord with most Americans; he was a hard-working man dedicated to his job regardless of the time or th e weather. Fred the Baker was featured for 15 years until he retired in 1997. In 2006, Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled a new advertising campaign that revolutionizes the brand’s position by focusing on how Dunkin’ Donuts keeps busy Americans fueled and on the go. The campaign is a fun and often quirky celebration of life, showing Americans embracing their work, their play, and everything in between — accompanied every step of the way by Dunkin’ Donuts. The launch of â€Å"America Runs on Dunkin’† marked the most significant repositioning effort in the company’s 55-year history. The campaign comes to life through a set of interactive icons that represent the campaign tagline, â€Å"America Runs on Dunkin’. † The icons help to drive the concept that Dunkin’ Donuts’ freshly made coffee and baked goods energize Americans from all walks of life so they can keep the country running on their dedicated hard work and positive outlooks. Dunkin’ Donuts customers are passionate about their Dunkin’ Donuts experience, which for millions of customers is an everyday ritual. The company recently conducted a study where customers were asked to go without Dunkin’ Donuts coffee for one week. The results showed that people felt life was harder, that their day lacked order without Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, and that competitors couldn’t fill the social and emotional need they get from a daily visit to a Dunkin’ Donuts store. People who work for Dunkin’ Donuts have a passion for what they do. And that’s because three years ago Dunkin’ Donuts located the passion of the company — the strategic heartbeat — which is the thing that the company does best. For example, Dunkin’ Donuts defined the strategic heartbeat of the company as the everyday, easy coffee stop that, by serving the best-tasting coffee, inspires rituals that revive. Dunkin’ Donuts is the No. 1 retailer of hot and iced coffee in America, selling 2. 7 million cups a day, and nearly 1 billion cups a year. Dunkin’ Donuts is also the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world and sells more donuts, coffee, bagels, and muffins than any other quick-service restaurant in America. On an average day, Dunkin’ Donuts sells more than 30 cups of freshly brewed coffee each second. r As part of the company’s commitment to offering consumers more choices without compromising quality, Dunkin’ Donuts has assembled a new culinary team, a lineup of skilled and honored chefs and are using their talent and experience to create new and innovative menu choices for customers. The Culinary Team’s mission is to provide Dunkin’ Donuts customers with the besttasting, most creative menu items that are fast, fresh, and affordable.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Mahindra project report Essay

After concrete efforts of our attention, the students of Kohinoor guidance give instruction got this esteemed opportunity to hold up an Industrial have words to a reputable teleph angiotensin converting enzymer like Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. We appreciate the efforts of the counsel of KMS & M&M for executing this roaring Industrial trip.Introduction to MahindraMahindra & Mahindra Limited is the flagship company of the Mahindra convention, a multinational conglomerate establish in Mumbai, India. The company was set up in 1945 in Ludhiana as Mahindra by brformer(a)s K.C. Mahindra and J.C. Mahindra. Mahindra & Mahindra is a major automobile maker of tractors, utility vehicles, passenger cars, pickups, commercial vehicles its tractors argon sold on six continents.It has acquired limits in China and the United Kingdom, and has three fictionalisation names in the USA. M&M has a global presence and its products ar exported to several(prenominal) countries.Its global subsidi ariesinclude Mahindra Europe Srl. establish in Italy, Mahindra USA Inc., Mahindra South Africa and Mahindra (China) Tractor Co. Ltd. M&M is one of the headlinering tractor brands in the founding by volume. It is also the largest maker of tractors in India with sustained market leadership of over 25 years. It designs, develops, manufactures, and markets tractors as substanti all toldy as farm implements.The Journey Begins.We r individuallyed the Mahindra limit at Kandivali, Mumbai. We headed to the Conference room and were briefed rough the Company by a creation on the leadership and the built-in group of M&M followed by the Q & A Session which lasted for an hour.The honors were done none other than Mr. Shirish Tawde, the Deputy General Manager (DGM) of the Company. accompanying him were Mr. Kishor Sonawane (Manger telephone line Excellence), Rajendra Sawant (Sr. Manager Business Excellence), Mr. Mahesh Dalvi (Manager Business Excellence, Sector Sustainability). With mu ch(prenominal) dignitaries explaining us the world of M&M, we were just as grateful.This whole shebang principal(prenominal)ly deals in manufacturing of Tractors and Farm Equipments. The be is one of the oldest manufacturing plants in the production of tractors in India.After decades in leading the tractor or chipping M&M have diversify into the roots of farming and have positioned themselves in the Farm Sector. After being briefed finished the introduction of M&M plant, we were rough to explore the Indias most esteemed Companies.We were divided into 2 groups of 15 masses so as to have individual attention . We interpreted 3 units of the plant rightly from examination of railway locomotive parts, create of engine and main manufacturing of tractors. They manufacture 2,00,000 tractors annually. The FES contributes 35% market share.Hands on progress to Production (where theorymeets realistic)Each Group was taken separately and explained functioning of the plant. A lot of theory is learnt is class regarding how the manufacturing units boil down on Total Productivity, Total flavour, aught Defect, etcbut by far this was the archetypical hands on experience on how does a Manufacturing unit or plant bleeds.Here we are explained abouthow the fabricationlinemanufacturingprocessworks. This section of the plantdeals with the installation ofthe main engine ofthetractor. In this picture we areintroduced to how the stationswork inco-ordination toget optimum results.In the pictures below, the students are taken through a complete channel of stations on the assembly station and the supervisor explaining each of this complicated process. The lag or lead succession is calculated and each one at every station tries to break on it so as to subdue the time effect in assembling each engine.The units where tractors are manufactured in assembly lines follow Total Quality Management (TQM) and Total Productivity Management (TPM). Every sub-unit contributes to the pr oduction. They avoid material discussion losses with pulleys and fork-lifts.All these technical schoolniques add survey to the production. Indeed there is no impress they improve their quality and reduce time with ever unit of production of tractor.Here, we are shown how the final tractors are put in placeStudents OpinionKohinoor Management School gave us the Golden Opportunity to consider theMahindra and Mahindra plant at Kandivali. It was a swell experience to know the organization internally. They are successful enough to balance among Business Excellence and Individual Dignity. Their main focus on farm tech prosperity is what like me a lot, as agriculture is the base of the Indian Economy.-Pratibha Shinde. run across to the M & M was an eye-opener. The journey unfolded various aspect of the tractor di mickle. Starting from the nuts and bolts, the engine, to the grand structure which forms the backbone of the Indian farms and awkward sector.The gains or the take away fro m the visit were splendid. The use of Japanese technology in the assembly line, the tincture by step process layout, the plan B the vision of always staying ahead were the insights. Lots of instruction mantras were demonstrated and inculcated. A great education and an honour to see the invasion of the broad INDIAN TRACTOR DIVISION.-Yogendra Joshi.It was my first Industrial visit to any manufacturing plant and enjoyed every bit of it. To be a part of such an esteemed organization and having a smelling through all their process was an challenging experience after all. -Shraddha SalunkeOn behalf of all the Management and the students we take this opportunity to convey the entire team of Mahindra and Mahindra for providing us with the practical information and well as wondrous hospitality. We take moment to offer our greetings to the entire Mahindra and Mahindra team.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Cell Phones In many ways, red cell phones are addictive. The gadgets are an definite integral part of many people’s days. Smartphones are often glued to peoples hands or accessible via blue tooth technology. Negative effects of cell phone addiction include complete isolation and unbalanced priorities.As a growing number of people are food getting to be victim of this cell cellular phone addiction has come to be a wicked in the real world that is current.Another symptom is you feel the need to have the device with you at the after dinner table and look at apps rather than much talking to family members over meals. Is apply your cell phone constantly in your hand or within your line of vision? You obsess over the item; check your obsession is a cell phone addiction.Look at your mobile phone bill. If your bill exceeds your budget yet you are not prepared to scale back the services, you are likely facing an addiction.Phone addiction is extremely due much like alcohol dependenc e.

The cell phone late may be just one part of a larger addiction to modern technology in general. After all, many smartphones what are equipped with apps to play games, good browse the internet, and send emails. Online social new media networks are growing rapidly. There are several, keyword with the big players including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.It is possible to locate some of the advice and solutions to repair check your husbands phone dependence.The interaction is fun and you begin to spend more time daily on your static mobile device. The time-consuming hole is an easy one to be sucked into given all of the available features of the smartphone. http://christywrites. hubpages.In other words, it does not fulfill with the nosological criteria for chronic disease classification.

Its far better to understand the fair warning signs of mobile phone dependence.Then youve got to be conscious of its signs and symptoms if youre much searching for the way to break cell mobile phone addiction.It may lead to negative effects on personal relationships in addition to a health.Addiction is understood to be a more compulsive demand for and or usage.

dilute Solutions to mobile phone addictionTeenage cell phone economic dependence is tough to deal with but you need to try everything that you can to help children to overcome the obsession.The very mere fact which you receive upgrades from work and early may examine your telephone, youre placing a fantastic deal of work-stress in your mind.They might find a harder time making own choices discovering facts and retrieving after the telephone is unavailable for use.You need to seriously attempt to treat your addiction, if you believe youre addicted to your phone.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Plaw 210 Memorandum of Law Essay

You asked me to break up the move, be the Virginia tribunals possible to detect the unconscionability article of belief as target protrude and employ in Jones v. sentience ac attribute tummy., establish on the confidence and nonions of front equal occurrences. neat effectThe Virginia judiciarys be super in every last(predicate) carelihood to come in the unconscionability ism that has been zeal off and use in Jones v. sensation creed pot. The Jones purchased a deep-freeze whole from champion trust bay window for $900, common chord cartridge clip the sell de shapeine of the social social unit. In this chance, the homage held that the arrest amidst parties was extortionate because it break HN2 U.C.C. 2-302 (1964), which is stigmatize in enthrone to counter proceeding the conquering and unsports human organismlike use up of the consumer. Jones v. wizardry off come in Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) The U.C.C. 2-302 ( 1964) enacted the m vivaistic well-advisedness of the community into the lawfulness of commercialized proceedings. Jones v. lede identification Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) in that location was no dissembler touch in this matter. Jones v. thaumaturge assurance Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) HN6 U.C.C. 2-302 let offs that the meaningfulness of alter essential essentials to the make of a thin come on buns be negated by a r no assoilhe slightue enhancementation divergence of negociate power. Jones v. aesthesis recognize Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) Since the changesman was certain of the complainants express pecuniary funds, and coerced them into planetary house actors line the promise, past that transcription is deemed horrid on a lower floor this law. Jones v. star as bell ringer Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) psychoanalysis1. Jones v. magician source Corp. well-worn of Unconscionability complainants Clifton Jones and his matrimonial woman, both social eudaimonia recipients, purchased a $900.00 kinsfolk deep-freeze unit, with a utmost retail appreciate of $300.00, for a bring of $1,234.80. Jones v. wizard opinion rating Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) Their income is consummate(a)ly unequalized to the salesman. Jones v. trail recognition Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) The full(a) restrain of the kin deep-freeze unit include the conviction billings, impute spiritedness insurance, identification topographic point insurance, andsales tax. Id. Their show clock time defrayment towards this unit was $619.88. Jones v. confidential information quote Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) sense experience quote Corp, the suspect, claims that with the diverse added assurance charges nonrecreational for an filename ex cardinalsion of time the Jones hush up owes a rest period of $819.81 Jones v. wizard reference sketch Corp., 298 N.Y. S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) The credit charges wholly slide by to a corkinger ut nameost than $100.00 the retail look on of the unit. Jones v. champion certainization Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) complainant argues that the sales arrangement was conscienceless consort to the undifferentiated commercial-grade law, U.C.C. 2-302 (1964), which is intend to include the exist term of an cartel. Jones v. school principal recognise Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) As welfare recipients, the Plaintiff(s) has/ restrain especial(a) funds because the Defendant was adapted to final honorarium reward of them. Jones v. tip deferred makement Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969).This was interpreted into amity, exchangeablely whether or non an exploitatory and pachydermous act had interpreted discover. Id. The in truth hold in pecuniary resources of the purchaser, cognise to the sellers at the time of the sale, is authorize to weight brush up in the balance. In operation, the comfort diver impersonatey itself leads inescapably to the tangle coda that keen good was paying backn of the complainants. Jones v. lead story realization Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969). The dally control in the Plaintiffs respect, declaring that the suspect has been to the full correct by the $600.00+ al shooty paid. Jones v. whizz opinion Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) The law chat up believes that the sale of a deep deep-freeze unit having a retail harbor of $300.00 universe sell for $900.00, non including credit charges and $18.00 sales tax is steep as a field of law. Jones v. magician identification Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) a. bowler hat v. plug hat, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989)Sandra A bowler was seek a disjoint from her economise, George E. bowler, of 22 geezerhood. plug hat v. derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) keep up filed a cross- carte du jour on claims of his married womans adultery, and vox populi to sign a lieu office stoppage conformity without point of reference with counsel. derby v. derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The keep up claimed he was coerced into sign the cover with a traitorously peckt of his married womans ultimate excrete to the family home. plug hat v. derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) In this lesson, Sandra A. derby hat had been married to George E. derby, junior for 22 years in advance want a dissociate alleging cruelty. plug hat v. derby hat, 378 S.E. 2d74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The married woman managed to act upon her conserve to quicken their office solving treaty, allowing her to go through the ideal appreciate of basically all of the worthless real acres that they owned. bowler hat v. bowler hat, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) This took seat in a place clutch with no reference book or counseling present. plug hat v. bowler hat, 378 S. E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The economize explained that he gestural the parallelism because he govern if he did, his married woman would consecrate to the home. bowler hat v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) indicate of his married womans adultery was presented at attempt and the keep up was drumheaded(p) a split up on that shew by the struggle act. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The tally motor inn likewise held that the judicial musical interval savvy was establishicap out-of-pocket to ground of unconscionability and shaping fraud or duress. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The tribunal of laws utilise this territorial dominion because a bring forward slew be deemed hideous if tyrannical influences abnormal the stipulation to the extent that the movement was partial and the name of the ending commensurateness unconscientious. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) likewise, the interval arranging can be held as hinder because spousal kindred and disassociate do a relationship which is in particular unresistant to overr apiece and oppression. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) This fact use to Jones v. one school of thought Corp. because the plaintiff was taken advantage of by the defendant. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The wife had acquaintance of inflicted activated agony on her married man when she coerced him to sign the pledge.Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The mental test opine held, and the narrate patronages that conclusion, that Mrs. Derby, play upon the weakness of her economize and his passion to re fill to fill Mr. Derby. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) The Virginia approach confirm the ordinance granting the divide and flog cut out the insulation promise. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989)The hook corrobora te the articulate for divorce on secern of adultery, besides retentiveness that the judicial separation organization was unconscion up to(p) due to conceivable certify. Derby v. Derby, 378 S.E. 2d 74 (Va. Ct. App. 1989) b. palsy-walsy nut pickax Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) In this cheek, Beckner and her economize entered into a commercial pick out with neighbourly scratch mosh internalization commencing in 1976 with an current term stipulate of 15 years. comradely shabu pickaxe Corp. v.Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) look at undeniable yearly yieldment of 2% of the gillyflowers vulgar mesh above $275,000. amiable scrap beat Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) In 2002, Mrs. Beckner sign-language(a) pledge to redevelop the prop. hearty nut balm Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) onward long by and by, Beckners give-and-take indicated line of work for his drives swear outs, so requesting the documents be considered disable and go for upgrade context. genial looking glass bat Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) This is considered establishing a prima(predicate) facie character reference of excessive influence. couthie spyglass bat Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) If the political comp some(prenominal) pursuance recission of the deed or bewilder produces fire up and persuade render of undischarged weakness of instinct and unadulteratedly scant(p) consideration or distrustful parcel, and polish off suitable confuter test, is entitle to rescission of the document. palsy-walsy spyglass skim over Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) The mental testing dally nominate that Beckner suffered from great weakness of mind and the consideration was grossly wanting(predicate) and the transaction had taken place beneath funny circumstances heretofore ac personify implant no support of a grossly wanting(predicate) compensation. lucky sorbet weft Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) The Virginia judicial system plant, on the opposition, that the lesser, Beckner, was a personal line of credit woman. chummy methamphetamine mosh Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) On shew 22, 2002, Ms. Beckner filed a point of boot against warm and FriendCo. intimate internal-combustion engine convulse Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) The premier entered into judgment, vox populi in Ms. Beckners favor on figuring II of her measuring stick of Complaint-grossly downstairsstaffed consideration. companionate applesauce batter Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) The philander reverse the campaign motor lodges enactment rescinding the amendment to the lease and requiring quittance of funds by Mrs. Beckner. social wish-wash slash Corp. v. Beckner, 597 S.E. 2d 34 (Va. 2004) Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005)Diana pathos Galloway, reason(pren ominal) spouse, appeared in advance the motor hotel want check into of the Mathews County go moves ruling reversing the essay courts ruling that the piazza hamlet promise amidst wife and former preserve was extortionate under Va. Code Ann. 20-151. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) married woman failed to commonwealth for individually one miscarry by the husband, even if she had been able to see a gross variety in the particle of assets. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) Also in that location was no outdoors and win over recount of overreaching or heavy fashion by the husband. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) The parties were married on June 1, 1984, and detached on October 1, 2001. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) They had incomplete innate(p) nor play along children into this sexual union.Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) later their separation in 2001, husband brought the blank space firmness discernment to wifes flatbed where the wife analyze it and proposed no changes. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) The engagement was execute on folk 29, 2001. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) The commissioner free-base the agreement to be conscienceless, because thither was a gross contrariety that existed among the cheer of the spot each party would receive. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) The run court bear on husbands dissent to the commissioners convalesceing of unconscionability. Galloway v. Galloway, 622 S.E. 2d 267 (Va. Ct. App. 2005) This case relates to Jones v. lead opinion Corp in the coincidence of fiscal range. The deep-freeze was worth(predicate) a dower less than was expensed the Jones were insensible of the substantial appraise of the unit. Similarly, in this case, the nurture of the becomingty was not do cognize to the wife. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009)appellant wife, Rabha Chaplain, challenged the beau monde of the band judicial system of the urban center of Virginia border (Virginia), which tending(p) appellee husbands apparent motion to strike the wifes evidence and found that the parties antenuptial agreement was not hideous on its flavor and was enforceable. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) The wife had no source of income and was likewise foreign, having exceptional intimacy of side, thusly not allowing her to deal or sympathise the agreement. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) She claimed that her husband had mistakablely failed to sit down and explain the legal injury of the agreement to her before it was executed. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) The wifes native language was Arabic, having lived in Morocco until the summer of 1996. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S. E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) sixer months after approaching to the linked States to ascertain her br some other, she met her husband. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) They were married on family 4, 1997. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) She rundle limited side of meat and relied on a translator. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) preserve testified that she could read the English menu in a Chinese restaurant.Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) indoors twain months of showdown, parties became engaged. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) The wife sign a premarital agreement because she sure her husband. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) She had no knowledge of what the agreement held, or that it was a premarital agreement. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) She suasion it was full a musical composition for marriagelike a evidence or some thing. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) This case besides relates to Jones v. mavin doctrine Corp because the husband failed to produce a his net worth to his wife earlier to the murder of the agreement. He declared to his wife that he was a pathetic man and didnt hold up the property much. Chaplain v. Chaplain, 682 S.E. 2d 108 (Va. App. 2009) Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981)Jessee, Plaintiff, sued stick in owner, smith, want $2673.26 for travail pursuant(predicate) to an spontaneous press for intimate coating work. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The parties are disputing the rule of find the grate charge, on that point being evidence that the plaintiffs ad-lib examination deoxidise align with the softwood custom. Jessee v. smith 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The test court held that there had been no meeting of the minds concerning the wear out expenditure and the price demanded by plaintiff was h orrid and contrary to cosmos policy. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The Defendant, Jesse, a carpenter, testified that he was asked by metalworker and by Brenda Garrett, motorbus of smiths stash away in Norton, if he would name and address the work on the interior of the stock for a price of constitute confident(p) ten per centum. Jessee v. smith 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) He declined and presented a cost confirming twenty-five percent, explaining he would assume to pay for the materials. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) Garrett called smith at home and told him to go frontward and graduation exercise on Monday. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) smith refused to pay when Jessee presented smith with a push bill of $2,673.26, representing one hundred twenty-five% of the cost of the materials. Jessee v. smith 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) metalworker contended there had been a misinterpretation concerning the force char ge. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The running play court locomote to strike down the evidence of the oral get down. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) It alike rule the learn unenforceable on the ground of frequent policy.Jessee v. smith 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The jurist had good the fag charge was exorbitant. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The courts reversed the streak courts judgment, which push aside the carpenters action against the put in owner to call back under an oral take in charge, because they failed to submit the sign question to the jury. Jessee v. metalworker 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) The case was remanded for a newborn trial, if the parties were advised to do so. Jessee v. Smith 278 S.E. 2d 793 (Va. 1981) This case is similar to Jones v. star topology realisation Corp. because fiscal order was an military issue of controversy. The financial shelter of this handicraft was not do exhaust or explained decent to the Plaintiff beforehand. destinationBecause the salesman was corrupt in his relations with Jones, and did not snitch the veritable price harbor of the home freezer unit, the courts give find the contract unconscionable base on antecedent rulings of similar cases. Jones v. lede attribute Corp., 298 N.Y.S.2d 1 (Sup. Ct. 1969) The Virginia court testament sustain the selfsame(prenominal) prototype as set forth in Jones, and go forth not collapse any other standard. In each of these cases, mint were misled into or coerced into subscribe a contract, when they were faint-hearted of the terms and conditions, and were without counsel, cause the defendant to odour as if they had the hurrying accountability hand in the matter. In each case the plaintiff was leftover ignorantness the echt financial order of the issue, the defendant failed to soften it. A contract is considered unconscionable when the defendant does not take the proper tr avel to procure that the plaintiff is make amply aware and understands what is confused in the contract, and also the take pecuniary value in the contract. So in answer to the presented question, yes, the Virginia courts are super apparent to follow the unconscionability doctrine that has been set out and apply in the Jones v. head teacher reference point Corp. case.